Welcome to the Delaney Rose blog...

Delaney was born January 27, 2010 at 3:09 pm on a snowy Gunnison day. She was 14 weeks premature and weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. We survived 80 days in Grand Junction at St. Mary's NICU, and finally made it home the third week in April. We created this blog while living in GJ so that our friends and family could stay up to date on Delaney's progress. We plan to maintain the site and post when we can, so please enjoy!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

March of Dimes Walk for Babies in Grand Junction

Over the weekend we attended our first NICU reunion and March of Dimes fundraiser. The weather was a little grim, but we had a nice time visiting with the doctors and nurses that we now call friends. One of the highlights of the event was seeing Delaney's former roommate, Witten (high-five pic). Delaney's dad was proud of her; she did her best to snub the little boy, which we hope will be a life-long tradition. She also finally got to meet (yet another potential "boyfriend") Gulliver... he lives in Crested Butte and unfortunately did his time at the St. Mary's NICU prior to Delaney's stay but is thriving just as much as our little one (thank goodness).

Thanks to the Garmany family for hosting us, and we're already looking forward to next years trip. In one of the pictures you'll see Jennifer talking to Channel 11 news. She made it onto the news, and now thinks she's Angelina Jolie. In all seriousness, it was a very important even for a lot of people and it was nice to see it get some notoriety. If you're looking for a charity to donate to, we recommend the March of Dimes. We really didn't know much about them prior to our "event", but they can take credit for helping Delaney survive her prematurity.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We sure enjoyed being home this year for Easter. Hope everyone had a great day!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

It's hard to believe but one year ago today Delaney was released from the St. Mary's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where she lived for the first 80 days of her life.

Since then she:

-has more than doubled in size and weighs 15 lbs 7 oz and is 29 inches long

-wears 6mo-12mo clothes (depending on the brand) and size 2 shoe

-loves to eat almost anything and tons of it, her favorites are: meat (especially elk), cheese, yogurt, fruit, bread, crackers and treats (cookies like her mom and ice cream like her dad)

-refuses to eat pears

-walks everywhere and pretty fast

-uses sign language to communicate things like: eat, drink, more, all done, book, dog, cat, no-no, up, hi/bye, and milk

-still breastfeeds 4-5 times in 24 hrs

-has 6 teeth (4 on top and 2 on bottom)

-loves to play outside (especially with sand, buckets, and spoons)

-climbs on the dishwasher door and crawls up the stairs

-LOVES music and to dance

-has enough hair for one small clip

-has one freckle on her neck

-takes a morning and afternoon nap

-loves to kiss and hug her baby

-uses a pacifier and has a special pink/silky blanket (just like her sister)

-sleeps in a crib in her mom and dads room

-is very happy in nature and very curious about her world

**She has amazed us all and we couldn't be happier! What a miracle she truly is.**

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our "Little Blond" House

Our two little blonds are pretty lucky that their mom is always thinking of ways to keep them happy & entertained. One day Brandon came home and Jennifer had been busy looking up designs for a playhouse and pricing materials. Those initial plans quickly turned into a fun family project that has shaped up nicely over the last week. We're about done with the exterior and are looking forward to getting inside and taking orders from Meredith. She has been very busy writing down her list of items to build including counters, shelves, tables, chairs, etc., etc. Hopefully it will provide many years of fun for M & D. When you come and visit, ask Meredith for a tour-

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stepping Stones Coyote Class Performance

We had a big day on Friday for several reasons. Meredith has been rehearsing for a long time at Stepping Stones for the annual Spring art show. The kids have all their special art work on display for the public and then they put on a performance with singing and dancing. All the kids in Meredith's class had lines this time to go with the performance-Meredith was a zebra and she shared several fun facts with the audience. After the performance we all got to attend the cast party/pot-luck, which was a lot of fun.

The other exciting thing about Friday was that it was the first time we've taken Delaney into the public thick of things. She loves music, and really seemed to enjoy her sister's performance. Meredith's friends were enthralled with Delaney, with Jennifer running interference the whole time with the hordes of kids wanting to attack our little blond. It's finally spring and we look forward to being out and about. Delaney is ready...