This weekend we headed to Grand Junction for our second March of Dimes walk. I guess you come to appreciate organizations like this based on your personal experiences. The MOD has done great things for preemies, and no doubt have saved the lives of many based on the research they have contributed to over the years.We will never forget how lucky we were that Delaney did so well while in the NICU, and hope someday we can contribute more to the March of Dimes.
Any time we go to Grand Junction we make as many doctor's appointments as we can for Delaney. This year worked out perfect because Meredith spent the day with her buddies Sam & Ben Garmany. They also were gracious enough to allow us to stay with them again for a few nights in Fruita. We always enjoy their amazing hospitality and can't wait to do it again next year (if they'll have us). Hard to say though- after the crazy guy from Gunnison spent the weekend chasing lizards around the backyard with the kids, they might make us stay at a hotel!
Before we left town we went to visit the NICU at St. Mary's. Lucky for us, a lot of Delaney's nurses that weren't at the MOD walk were on shift when we arrived. It never gets old showing her off to folks that haven't seen her in awhile. We have to admit though- there is some strange deja vu that goes on when you walk through those doors. We've had a few folks comment on the picture of Delaney standing in front of her NICU room. She's a rockstar.