Happy Thanksgiving! We've had a busy week and wanted to share some of our memories with you. Some of you may recall that one of our annual family traditions is a turkey shoot, which this year we actually had good weather for. Meredith dusts off the Red Ryder BB gun (you'll shoot your eye out) and the family practices their marksmanship on a turkey of many colors. The best part of the trip this year was being reported to the authorities as a suspicious vehicle...
On Wednesday we headed to the Front Range to spend Thanskgiving with the family. We've been toying with the idea of getting Delaney's ears pierced, and actually did it. She was bummed out for a little bit, but now she's even more of a little beauty than before. Meredith was definitely more excited for the ear piercing than Delaney was.
Had a nice visit with our family for several days and appreciate everything our gracious hosts provided. Lots of good food and good company, and we even managed to sneak a little Christmas shopping in for our girls. We try not to forget how fortunate we really are.