Welcome to the Delaney Rose blog...

Delaney was born January 27, 2010 at 3:09 pm on a snowy Gunnison day. She was 14 weeks premature and weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. We survived 80 days in Grand Junction at St. Mary's NICU, and finally made it home the third week in April. We created this blog while living in GJ so that our friends and family could stay up to date on Delaney's progress. We plan to maintain the site and post when we can, so please enjoy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Meredith 2007
Delaney 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Potty Trained!

It was soon after the March of Dimes walk that the whole potty idea clicked for our Delaney.  She wears big girl undies all day long (wearing a diaper only while sleeping).  You Rock DD!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kindergarten... A Year In Review

The majority of our blog postings are dedicated to our Micro-Preemie as we document her amazing growth but I felt it more than necessary to dedicate this particular post to my Meredith Mae.  What an amazing year she has had and what an amazing small person she has become!  She is so talented and beautiful and I am very proud of her.  Her kindergarten year went by incredibly fast and she has grown so much academically and socially.  Before starting school last year she was reading small sentences and books and now it appears that she is reading at a second grade level.  Her teacher has recommended her for the ACE program and I hope that it will challenge her ever growing mind as she enters 1st grade.  It did nothing but boost her confidence when classmates would seek her knowledge and expertise when they needed help and she was more than willing to offer them a hand.  She has a love for school and learning and my biggest job now is to promote and encourage her interests.   It's been incredible watching her grow and I know that I've said it before but it seems like yesterday that she was growing inside my belly.  These six and a half years have gone by fast and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has to offer her.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation


Another milestone has come and gone for our small blonds. Meredith made it through her kindergarten year with flying colors and we enjoyed her graduation celebration. One school year down, 12 more to go! Look out class of 2024!

Thank you Ms. Allen for helping Meredith grow during her inaugural school year. She will definitely miss you.

We are so proud of the progress she has made this year from her reading to her social skills. We just hope we can keep Meredith content this summer at our boring old house. Congratulations buddy, we love you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Field Day

Meredith's Kindergarten career is drawing to a close, and we enjoyed helping out with Lake School's field day last week. It was a beautiful day and the kids all seemed to have a great time. Brandon helped man the T-ball station while Jennifer wrangled Delaney and her little friend's Reese and Claire. The biggest surprise of the day was seeing how good Meredith is with a hoola-hoop!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommy's Day

A special day for a special Mom.

We always enjoy a picnic and hike out in the forest on Mother's Day weekend. This year we could have gone hiking at 14,000 feet with the lack of snow and mild spring we've had. The most comical part of the day was Meredith and her Dad attempting to make a coffee cake for breakfast. Things were going so well before the oven was accidentally set 100 degrees too high! Oh well, we tried. Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Music and Movement


There's no doubt that Meredith (and Delaney) are musically inclined. They love to sing & dance. One of the things we enjoyed most about the kindergarten experience was Meredith's music & movement class with Mrs. Russell. Seems like they were always doing fun stuff, while learning to enjoy exercise. This was the second time they put on a performance for the parents, which is a special treat. Thanks for a great year Mrs. Russell.