The majority of our blog postings are dedicated to our Micro-Preemie as we document her amazing growth but I felt it more than necessary to dedicate this particular post to my Meredith Mae. What an amazing year she has had and what an amazing small person she has become! She is so talented and beautiful and I am very proud of her. Her kindergarten year went by incredibly fast and she has grown so much academically and socially. Before starting school last year she was reading small sentences and books and now it appears that she is reading at a second grade level. Her teacher has recommended her for the ACE program and I hope that it will challenge her ever growing mind as she enters 1st grade. It did nothing but boost her confidence when classmates would seek her knowledge and expertise when they needed help and she was more than willing to offer them a hand. She has a love for school and learning and my biggest job now is to promote and encourage her interests. It's been incredible watching her grow and I know that I've said it before but it seems like yesterday that she was growing inside my belly. These six and a half years have gone by fast and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has to offer her.
I agree, she is amazing! I think both of your girls are wonderful.