Welcome to the Delaney Rose blog...

Delaney was born January 27, 2010 at 3:09 pm on a snowy Gunnison day. She was 14 weeks premature and weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. We survived 80 days in Grand Junction at St. Mary's NICU, and finally made it home the third week in April. We created this blog while living in GJ so that our friends and family could stay up to date on Delaney's progress. We plan to maintain the site and post when we can, so please enjoy!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Delaney Rose...

Today Delaney is 20 months old and what a unique little person she has become.  Not a day goes by that she doesn't make me laugh out loud or put a smile on my face.  She has a very special way of getting everything she wants (within reason of course) especially when crocodile tears present themselves. I often see little glimpses of Meredith in her facial expressions or mannerisms and I'm flooded with memories when she wears a special outfit that Meredith once wore.  It warms my heart to see her follow Meredith around trying her hardest to do everything that her big sis does. She has this stubborn way about her that causes me to use some "love and logic" strategies, that thank goodness work most of the time.  I love when she attempts to say different words or says a word for the first time.  She is extremely smart and I'm very proud of her strength and persistence.  At the end of the day, I often reflect on what a joy she is in my life and remind myself of how she came into this world.  She is amazing and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I don't want to forget anything but I know it's inevitable, so I've made a list to remind myself someday:
  • she LOVES to be outside (she often pulls me to the door in an attempt to let her out or escapes if the door is left open)
  • I can't feed her enough throughout the day, it seems she's always hungry and eats just about everything
  • her favorites are meat, bananas, strawberries, goldfish grahams, dried cherries, cereal w/milk, waffles w/peanut butter, cheese, peas, banana pancakes, spaghetti, tacos, gum, and of course treats
  • she says dada, mama, Mimi (Meredith), DeeDee (for herself), baby, boo-boo, no-no, meat, bye-bye, more, nite-nite, book, o'o' (open), wada bada (water bottle), hi, Annie, go, blue, eye, boom, she has a special way of saying Bippity Boppity Boo, she growls like a bear or lion, neighs like a horse and moos like a cow
  • she still uses sign language to communicate things like help, horse, thank you/you're welcome, nite-nite, drink, all done, up, milk, open, and where
  • she still loves music and will dance whenever she has a chance to rock out
  • she still has a pacifier and her "pink" (she has been know to almost make me cry when it's time to wash her special blanket because life without is unbearable, it's heartbreaking to see her so upset, we better NEVER lose it)
  • she still loves her baby Abby and plays with some dolls of Meredith's as well
  • she enjoys playing in the pretend kitchen and cooks all sorts of things 
  • she's on the verge of weaning herself from my milk
  • she sleeps in her crib in a room that she shares with Meredith
  • she sleeps through the night (most of the time)
  • she takes one nap in the afternoon
  • she weighs 19 pounds and is 32 inches long
  • she wears size 12-18 month clothes and size 3 shoe
  • she runs, walks on her tippy-toes, walks backwards, and kicks a ball
  • she has 13 teeth
  • her bangs get into her eyes so she always has a clip in her hair
  • she crawls up the stairs and walks down them
  • she sits on her little potty chair and likes to sit on the big girl toilet with the special seat cover
  • she loves to wait at the bus stop with her Mimi and walks the halls of the kindergarten looking for her at the end of the day
  • she loves to play chase and has the sweetest little giggle when we try to catch her
  • she can destroy the house in 10 minutes flat (toys and what ever she can get her hands on are scattered everywhere)
  • she is often called a menace by her daddy
  • she does not care for the mechanical horse Trigger at the store
  • she gets upset at the sight of Meredith's plastic snake
  • she loves the water (pool, beach, bath, and mud puddles)
  • she enjoys our mid-morning wagon rides around the nursing home
  • she loves going to the library on Tuesdays for Tot Time
  • she likes to play with a pen and paper
  • she loves to be a helper (cooking, laundry, getting things, taking care of baby Sophia)
  • she gives kisses and knucks upon request
I know that I've missed somethings but these will be the memories that I'll cherish the most.  I love you with all my heart Delaney Rose.  You are a very special little person (that gets bigger everyday).

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