Just got home from a birthday party for Meredith's new friend Sienna. They had a lot of fun and for a few hours our lives were sort of normal again. We have made some good friends since we've been in Grand Junction.
Today Delaney did good once again with her bottles, but more importantly she successfully breast fed for the first time. Jennifer had a long talk with the doctors and nurses about how important breast feeding is to her, so now the order is for two breast feeds and one bottle feed per day. We know we have to be careful and not push Delaney, so we'll be watching to see if she needs us to back off. Who knew how complicated nipple feeding would be with a preemie?
We also had a meeting today to learn about infant massage. We're learning that message is one way to help Delaney's development for the next several years. There are lots of benefits to massage both physically and emotionally so it was definitely worth looking into. We've been in Grand Junction now for 64 days.