Today we spent a lot of time in the NICU (what a suprise). Delaney continues to work hard and is maintaining her current positive trend. She finally had her second eye test today and the doctor pretty much said the same thing as last week- that her eyes were still immature. The next few tests will probably be more telling. When you're talking about your child's eyes, it's hard not to get worked up over these exams.
We have been thrilled with Delaney's care since she got to St. Mary's, but as we've mentioned before we've started meeting new staff in the NICU; many of them cross-trained nurses from different venues who "float" from time to time in our neck of the woods when it's busy. Most of them are good people, but we've started to notice that Delaney gets a different level of care when our familiar NICU nurses aren't there. Today we finally had to say something to the folks who need to know to boost our confidence that Delaney is in good hands. It's not that she's in danger, but there are lots of things that we've learned that are good for Delaney and that we've come to expect. It's also taxing to have to start over each day with a new nurse and "train" them on all of our little girl's nuances. It's hard to explain the psychology of a NICU parent, but one thing is for certain- when you show up in the morning or evening and see a face you've come to know and trust it makes the whole day more enjoyable and helps promote a postive mindset.
In the picture, it sure looks like Delaney is seeing and admiring her beautiful,stockman big sister. We love hearing "positive trend". Keep up the good work!