It was very quiet on the NICU floor today. A small four year old was missing... Only to be found on another adventure with her dad. Leaving Delaney and mom somewhat lonely but looking forward to some much needed rest.
Yesterday, Brandon and Meredith traveled back to Gunnison for the night and then left bright and early this morning for Pueblo. For months now Brandon has been organizing an antelope capture and transplant project near Pueblo. With the help from several co-workers they set the trap today and hopefully tomorrow they will capture several to be released near Gunnison.
Meredith spent the day at Grandma's house in Florance where a special trunk of dress up clothes can be found. Tomorrow, she will reunite with dad so she can watch them release the Antelope. Returning to Grand Junction on Saturday.
No changes today with Delaney's meds or oxygen levels. She spent several hours snuggling mom and hopefully spent the day growing and gaining weight. It truly was a quiet, uneventful day.
I hope you got your rest, take good care of yourself so you can take the best care of your little Delaney. I know you'll be happy to have your family reunited tomorrow!