Welcome to the Delaney Rose blog...

Delaney was born January 27, 2010 at 3:09 pm on a snowy Gunnison day. She was 14 weeks premature and weighed 1 pound 15 ounces. We survived 80 days in Grand Junction at St. Mary's NICU, and finally made it home the third week in April. We created this blog while living in GJ so that our friends and family could stay up to date on Delaney's progress. We plan to maintain the site and post when we can, so please enjoy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Slept in a little today. Believe it or not, time has been flying by.
Tomorrow Delaney will have been here for two weeks already. I'm sure that one of these days geologic time will set in and the reality of three months will hit home. I know a lot of you are checking the blog several times a day and we apologize for not posting more often. Our stamina has started to wane, and we are two tired parents. We definitely will keep posting, but it may be only once a day.

Delaney is doing pretty good, but continues to act her age. The nurse pulled the IV out of her head last night which hopefully will be more comfortable for her (but it was hard watching it removed-Delaney was mad). Her feeding rate has continued to increase and this morning she was actually at her "goal". This means that if she can keep it up, they will eventually stop with the other IV supplement and eventually remove the central IV that goes from her right hand to her chest. She gained some weight last night after a few days of no gain and is now over a kilogram.

A big thanks goes out to our friends that have sent us packages in Grand Junction. It's a nice treat to get a package and remember what it's like to be home. Meredith was so excited last night to open the box from Stepping Stones! Thank you so much.


  1. Hi, just wanted you guys to know that Jim and I are checking the blog daily. That is one beautiful strong little girl. If there is anything we can do let us know. Our thoughts are prayers are with you all.
    Jim and Diane

  2. Brandon and Jennifer,
    Remember to take care of yourself too. If you miss a day in the blog you will still be in our thoughts and prayers. Rest if you possibly can. Seeing little Delaney resting on her tired Papa evokes visions of a fawn in a tree well sheltered by a stalwart spruce. The snow is too deep to navigate, so she must be patient and wait out the winter. Know the whole forest of trees will protect her until the thaw. Nature will provide spots you can count on to screen her when needed. She is determined and indomitable having inherited your awesome character. Your precious baby will feed between storms and grow. Spring will bring warm sunshine for your family’s shoulders and energy in your exhaustion.
    Teri and Scott

  3. Ryanne loves looking at the pictures, and she now is saying "Hi D, I love you!" She tried so hard to say Delaney and settled with D. Miss you guys.
